Sunday, February 24, 2008

Max Werner
Not The Opera
Red Bullet RB.66.100
Released in 1995.

Solo album by the former singer/drummer of Dutch band Kayak, who scored a huge solo hit in 1981 with Rain In May. Two singles were released to promote this album, Not The Opera and Fortissimo, but both were bummers. If they only had promoted Do You Care (a beautiful ballad) or Prisoner Of Love (catchy lyrics)...

This is his fourth solo album and at first listen it's maybe a little dissapointing but the album will grow on you after each play.

tracks: 1. Do You Care / 2. Not The Opera / 3. Rain In May (new recording) / 4. Fortissimo / 5. The Red Balloon / 6. You Are The One / 7. Prisoner Of Love / 8. Our History 9. Sizzling Tongues / 10. Living On A Razor's Edge / 11. Indepency / 12. Jodelsong / 13. Revolution / 14. Opera Ole

tracks 1 - 7

tracks 8 - 14



  1. Thanks ... great rare post. I love it

  2. I'm glad you like it. Stay tuned for more Max.


  4. @anonymous
    Glad to see they like my posts so much that they steal them...

  5. Thank you for such amazing album.
    Can you possibly tell me, where would I find the lyrics to this masterpiece?

    Thank you for your reply.

  6. @svadboss
    I know where you can find the lyrics. Just push the third downloadbutton.

    Just added ;-)

  7. nightwatch, you are amazing!!! Thank you so much!!
    Best regards :-)

  8. Sorry, here it´s me ... again :-)
    I know that exists maxiversion of Fortissimo - or the version on CD is maxi version?

    P.S.: what would you recommend as a similar music to Max? Because I find it FANTASTIC!!!!

    Thank you for your reply.

  9. Okay, something simular isn't that easy to find. The best shot is Kayak, Max was singer (1973-1977 + 2000) and drummer (1978-1981) in this band. Go to my post of januari 3rd. Listen to Lyrics and Mammoth both on the 1st album.
    Maybe you're gonna like Johnny Warman too. I'll be posting something from him soon.
