Vinyl rip, 320 kbbs
©1982 CBS 85990
This is the original release from 1982. The album is the companion of the book "Sobriëtas" wich Ad Visser released that same year. Don't expect Tinklebell to ring a bell when you have to turn a page though. The synthesizer based tracks are more like an OST. The song Giddiyap a Gogo sung by Daniel Saluheka was a big hit in the Netherlands.
I've tried to eliminate as many ticks, clicks and scratches as possible but couldn't get it better than this. Played the record too many times.
Tracklisting: Overture In "S" (4:28) / March Of Hope (4:50) / Delicate Balance (3:30) / Nostalgia For Earth (8:48) / Giddyap A Gogo (4:50) / Relief Of Demorzan (5:28) / Adventure (Restless Breed) (4:44) / A Last Farewell (4:00)
Tracklisting: Overture In "S" (4:28) / March Of Hope (4:50) / Delicate Balance (3:30) / Nostalgia For Earth (8:48) / Giddyap A Gogo (4:50) / Relief Of Demorzan (5:28) / Adventure (Restless Breed) (4:44) / A Last Farewell (4:00)
Incl. scans from the original LP cover

Hi! I've tried to download Ad Visser's Sobrietas original release, but the link lets me download the 1990 erlease which I already have got. Could you fix it? Thanks
18 May, 2009
Fixed it, thanks for letting me know.
Fantastic, I never thought I would find this LP as MP3 file, but I finally did.
Super !!
You have made my day !
I have been searching this album for ages, to bad the downlaod doenst work anymore :(
Thnx Berend Jan,
But is seems like I need a decription key
Added a magnet link, just hit the download button. In order to download you have to have a torrent program like uTorrent or Vuze. Many more to choose:
Link repaired
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